A few steps from the center town, Calura Residence is a green and fresh oasis, for a stay of authentic relaxation. The sea of Otranto is only twelve kilometers away.
Mobile: 347 6186999
Fax: 0836 318023
Address: Via Ugo Foscolo, 92
73020 Carpignano Salentino LE, Italia
Our satellite coordinates
Latitude/ Longitude:
40 ° 11’34.4 “N 18 ° 20’23.8” E
40.192900, 18.339954
Nearest city: Lecce 30 Km
Nearest beach: Laghi Alimini 12 Km
Place of touristic interest nearby: Otranto 15 Km
Nearest station: Zollino 10 Km
Nearest airport: Brindisi – Aeroporto del Salento 80 Km